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Sven Roeder 11:27 Sun Jul 31
David Cameron's resignation Honours List
Includes -
George 'Gideon' OSBORNE : Companion of Honour

Will STRAW ... son of Jack & director of the wildly successful EU remain campaign : CBE

Isabel SPEARMAN .... personal stylist of Mrs Samantha Cameron : OBE

Several advisors & aides also honoured included 2 of his official drivers
Nothing for the Pig or After8

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Hermit Road 6:14 Tue Aug 2
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
Let's not get silly, the economy is a fair bit better now than when Osborne took up office.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 3:53 Tue Aug 2
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
Shin Chan 9:06 Sun Jul 31

'Yep, lets thank the man who HASN'T done anything he promised over the economy, and in fact has made it worse!'

The first part of that sentence can be debated, but as for the second part, were you actually alive when Osborne became chancellor?

Willtell 12:11 Tue Aug 2
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
Except it doesn't does it? It's a way of giving the stylist a "Golden handshake" of an OBE even though the service has been paid for by the tax payer .

It is time to end all this bollocks imo. I hear someone has blocked it all and quite right too...

Sven Roeder 12:02 Tue Aug 2
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
That's what I thought
What the hell does she look like without an OBE winning stylist?

Cameron is basically saying the work your stylist has done to make something out of you is worth a place on the Honours List

gph 11:58 Tue Aug 2
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
Giving someone's stylist an award is a backhand insult to the former, surely?

It implies they need someone special to make them look good.

Willtell 8:20 Mon Aug 1
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
I agree with Debs for a change. Bloody hell what are honours for but to encourage patronage on an out-dated class system spill over.

No-one should be entitled to call themselves "Sir" or "Lord" and it needs to stop. That is one socialist policy most would agree with imo....

I think we might have to wait until the queen dies first mind...

Darlo Debs 11:31 Sun Jul 31
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
Terry h 1.09 i think the honours system has been on shaky ground since the cash for honours scandal a while back.

Shin Chan 9:06 Sun Jul 31
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
Yep, lets thank the man who HASN'T done anything he promised over the economy, and in fact has made it worse!

ray winstone 8:27 Sun Jul 31
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
Cameron in self serving arrogance shock.....

David L 7:44 Sun Jul 31
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 3:34 Sun Jul 31
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
Osborne's gong is the least of it. If you put aside party political loyalty, it can be easily justified on the basis of 6 years as the holder of one of the great offices of state.

Some of the others are a fucking disgrace, though, and you would think he actually wants to go down in history as cronyist Eton toff.

Nurse Ratched 1:38 Sun Jul 31
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
Good point.

Sven Roeder 1:37 Sun Jul 31
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
Do you imagine this Southern Rail DEBACLE would be dragging on as it has if MP's were travelling in from Sussex every day on it?
The Minister for Transport should have his office in a Central Line carriage.

HairyHammer 1:36 Sun Jul 31
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
Sven Roader 1.22

I remember over 10 years ago seeing Gerald Kaufman in the middle of a busy Charring cross train station I felt slightly star struck, why I do not know.

Nurse Ratched 1:34 Sun Jul 31
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
"Personally I think MPs should use piblic tramsport"

So do I. Buses through Harlesden. During the rush hours. At least a few times every year, even if their constituency is in the Scottish highlands or somewhere rather agreeable in Cornwall. Given them a nice dose of perspective.

Takashi Miike 1:23 Sun Jul 31
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
Companion of Honour



noun: Companion of Honour; plural noun: Companions of Honour; noun: Companion of Honor; plural noun: Companions of Honor; noun: CH

(in the UK) a member of an order founded in 1917, for distinguished achievement, with membership limited to sixty-five people.

Sven Roeder 1:22 Sun Jul 31
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
Personally I think MP's should use public transport but just explaining why there would be more than one.
The PM may need to nip out to Spitalfields Markets at 3am to inspect the latest pig head arrivals and obviously the guy who had been doing the 9 to 5 shift needs to sleep.

geoffpikey 1:21 Sun Jul 31
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
So, the daughter of a Baronet descended from Charles II - herself an "award winning" women's designer - needs a stylist, who is then honoured with a royal honour proposed by aforementioned woman's own husband?

What on earth is wrong with that? It's all part of the "big society", don't you know.

Nurse Ratched 1:14 Sun Jul 31
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
The UK tax payer wasn't picking up the tab for your Saudi.

Sven Roeder 1:13 Sun Jul 31
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
I guess drivers are only allowed to work a certain shift and the PM would have one on 24 hr call.
I used to work for a Saudi bloke who had 5 drivers for him & his wife and 2 kids.

terry-h 1:09 Sun Jul 31
Re: David Cameron's resignation Honours List
It's a disgrace. Just brings the whole honours system into total disrepute.
Fuck off Cameron.

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